An Ode to Marsi

Oh Marsi – how I miss you so You of the Kediri tailoring scene You with the 30,000 Rp price You of the perfectly tailored garments How I miss you so Marsi is the best tailor in Kediri, no contest. During PST my Ibu insisted on taking me to the penjahit jauh (far tailor) because the… Continue reading An Ode to Marsi


It's been a while since my last post. The first six weeks at permanent site were a difficult adjustment, but more on that soon. First - Swearing-In! Swearing-In is a big day for Peace Corps Volunteers. There are a lot of steps and hurdles in becoming an official PCV, but the biggest is definitely Pre-Service… Continue reading Swearing-In

What teaching English in Indonesia looks like

For the last two weeks of Pre-Service Training all of the volunteers have been scattered around Kediri teaching in various high schools and middle schools for practicum. We are given the opportunity to take everything we learn during PST about both how to teach, but also how Indonesian schools operate, and apply it before we… Continue reading What teaching English in Indonesia looks like